Roadtrip 2017 Fall: Vancouver - Seaside - Bandon - Calistoga - Sedona - Sacramento - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 16 - Joshua Tree - Noah Purifoy - Andrea Zittel

Russ and Emma take in our majestic view over morning coffee.

Then there's the alternate distorted majestic view.


Things change only slowly.

It's all about the legs.

Darth tries out the good side.

Can't stop those legs.

First: elevation, Second: take off.

This was found in the giant jumble of a works yard at the back of the property. We don't believe it's an actual sculpture - but it can be hard to tell!!

The Great Big U.

Marnie Martian's day off.


The big flush.


roll on dude


Salton Sea Redux.

Of course they found this place.

The big black cinder block forms that dot the landscape at Andrea Zittel's.

Ghosts without a town.

Last stop on the goat track.

Heading home on the 29 Palms Highway - you're never far from the blackened arches.






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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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